The members of VFW Post 4156 hosted the annual Thanksgiving dinner for homeless veteran’s this year on Saturday, November 23, 2019. Members arrived early to prepare the dinner and also ditty bags for each vet with items such as shirts, socks, scarves, toiletries, blankets and hand-made winter caps. Some veterans had requested that we make ham this year because Post 4156 was the second stop of their day, and they traditionally have turkey at each stop. They also requested that we make some sweet potato pie, in which we happily obliged.
Preparing mashed potatoes Getting ready to serve the green beans Wrapping napkins in poppies setting up tablecloths Prepping dity bags for the Vets If you got time to lean, you got time to clean 🙂 Ready to serve the Veterans Ready to serve the Veterans Welcoming the Vets to dinner Welcoming the Vets to dinner Welcoming the Vets to dinner The crew at the end of the day
The goal of our mission is simple: no matter how a fellow vet gets into a life situation, such as being homeless, we as fellow veterans are to help them as much as we are able to. No man left behind.