About the DAD’s

Must Be Sponsored by a Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post

The DADS of Foreign Service Veterans was founded in 1944 at Columbus, Ohio. The first DADS Post was started and sponsored by V.F.W. Post 3863.

At the conclusion of World War II, there were Fathers and Stepfathers of veterans that had honorably served their country who were anxious to support these veteran’s rights and benefits. A DADS Post can only be sponsored by a V.F.W. that applies for the DADS charter through the DADS of Foreign Service Veterans of the U.S.

The DADS Post then would be governed by the sponsoring V.F.W.

As a member of the D.F.S.V., You would help by supporting many of the V.F.W. programs such as the National Home in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.

The “DADS DOINGS” is our quarterly newspaper. It keeps you Informed on our activities. Regular features include letters from officers and meeting notices, membership reports and inspirational notes as well as other timely information.

Membership is Our Lifeblood

DADs Eligibility

Any male relative over the age of 21 who has a family member ­male or female – who is or was a foreign service veteran. The FOREIGN SERVICE is the key. It does not matter what it is called: war, military action, even foreign service in peacetime applies.

Form Revised: 12/28106

The Obugation

In the presence of almighty God, I make the solemn vow that I will be loyal to the United States of America and I will uphold the constitution and laws of this nation and defend them, if need be. That I will be loyal to this organization and to the ideals represented in its constitution and laws. That I will work at all times for the best interests of all foreign service veterans of all wars.

I will not propose any applicant for membership that I know to be unworthy of such membership in this order. I will abide by the laws and orders of this organization and will not disclose any of the workings of it to any person who is not a member of the same. I will never permit such things as polities, religion, race, color, or creed to be discussed on the meeting floor. I will do anything to prevent it. These I solemnly swear or affirm to do with help of the members of this post and in presence of God, I make this solemn vow.